17 May 2022 POSTED BY DIYA Robotics

Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things!

First of all, what is IoT? How is IoT related to human life? Since when has IoT evolved? Let's explore these questions in more detail.

Internet of things (IoT) is a term used to describe physical objects (or groups of them) that are fitted with sensors, processing abilities, software, and other technologies that can communicate with each other and exchange data over the Internet or other communication channels. An ARPANET-connected vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University was the first device to utilize the main concept of a network of smart devices as early as 1982, which was able to report whether the loaded drink is cold or not. The term "Internet of things" was coined independently in 1999 by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, then MIT's Auto-ID Center.

In simple words, it’s a physical object that connects to the internet. For example, a fitness tracker, a thermostat, a lock or appliance - even a light bulb - can be an IoT in these modern times.

Imagine shoes that track your heartbeat and can flag potential health problems. You don’t have to imagine – these “smart” shoes already exist! The reality is that there are likely to be many other applications like smart shoes currently available.

Internet of Things in everyday life!

In the process of transforming how we live, the Internet of Things (IoT) is generating a lot of buzzes. We are constantly surrounded by the Internet of Things, although we aren't always aware that a device is part of it. The Internet of Things is transforming physical objects into an ecosystem of information that is shared between devices that are wearable, portable, and even implantable, transforming our lives into data-rich ones.

Several IoT business applications are available. Among the real-world examples of IoT are smartwatches, wearable fitness trackers and health care applications, voice assistants(Alexa and Siri) as well as smart cars (Tesla), and smart appliances (such as iRobot). As IoT adoption accelerates, we will soon have to deal with multiple IoT devices every day.

How does the Internet of Things benefit businesses?

Depending on the implementation, the IoT can be advantageous for businesses; agility and efficiency are usually the top concerns. As a result, enterprises should have greater access to data about their own products and internal systems, allowing them to make changes accordingly.

Manufacturers are embedding sensors into their products so that they can send back data about how they are performing. It enables companies to identify when components are likely to fail and replace them before being damaged. Additionally, these sensors can provide companies with much more accurate data about what's actually happening, which improves their supply chains and systems.

Our greatest concern is how we are meant to coexist with the Internet of things, so why aren't we aware of it. Introduce your children to IoT by joining them at DIYA. DIYA is more than just a learning platform, as children can learn in a simple and fun way and be motivated throughout their time in DIYA.